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Question by
dvxl · Mar 31, 2020 at 01:44 PM ·
texturetopdowninfiniterandomspawninginfinite terrain
Spawning infinite game Objects with a random position
Hello! I think the title says all about my question: how can I spawn infinite enemies with a random position in a top down game? I want the enemies to spawn infinitely in x and y position. Thanks for the help! Dvxl
Answer by Infenix · Mar 31, 2020 at 02:19 PM
By definition, it's impossible to spawn them infinitely because it will just crash the game. What do you mean by infinite ? It keeps spawning over time ? You want to spawn them all at launch ?
Please explain more specifically what you mean by infinite.
I know it would be impossible to spawn them all at the same time. But would it be a solution to spawn them as soon as the player is nearby. So the "chunks" are loading like in $$anonymous$$ecraft if you know what I mean.