Unity 5 Unet Network Rigidbody Syncing - Client sinking through objects.
Using UNET's built in Rigidbody 3d syncing with Network Transform, I am attempting a simple sync of a ball between a server and client. The ball is initially spawned to rest on an object by the server. If the ball falls off, I am resetting it to back on the object on the server by setting the transform.position. When the ball is set on the server to a new location, it is propagated to the client correctly.
On the client, after a matter of seconds, it will start bouncing and acting strange. It will eventually go through the object it was at rest on and continue slowly moving down the y axis.
A look at the network transform on the client with unity's debug turned on will tell me that the target synced location's y is decreasing.
This seems like it should not happen this way.
While setting isKinematic or turn off gravity on the client using a Client RPC would possibly work to keep the ball in place on the client, this seems like it wouldn't be a good design decision.
If the issue is my strategy, I am ok with correcting that too.