Android camera Aspect Ratio Fitter unity 2019.1
I have made an unity app that takes the camera output and fits it to the screen in unity 5.6.3, and it worked great, like in the first picture
I have updated unity to 2019.1.0f2 and recreated the project and debugged using the same phone. The problem is that now the camera texture is way zoomed in, like in the second picture.
I think the problem is somehow related to the Aspect Ratio Fitter component. In the pictures the component was set to Envelope Parent.
The stranger thing is that if I set that to Fit in Parent, unity 5 outputs the image correctly, fitted to the sides of the screen, but unity 2019.1 makes the image half of the size, leaving blank spaces all around it.
Any idea what the problem may be?
[1]: /storage/temp/136802-58461142-2137647489676491-6270990291855998976-n.jpg
[2]: /storage/temp/136803-58377549-2321337951470018-7202125517862993920-n.jpg