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Build failing- Shader Error in Hidden/PostFX/
Hey all. Today I tried to publish a build for the first time. Everything works fine when I preview the game, but whenever I try to build I get a bunch of errors like "Shader Error in 'Hidden/PostFX/blahblah...". Does anyone know how to fix this?
Answer by Undermountain · Apr 07, 2018 at 02:22 PM
Same. Can't open source for any of the shaders in the Post Processing Stack. To fix this, leave the PostProcessing directory in the root of the Assets folder. I know, this sucks.
If you don't want to do that, click on each error in the console and edit the shader to remove the path like this:
change Shader "Hidden/Post FX/Grain Generator" to Shader "Grain Generator"
Also, you have to rename Uber.shader to Uber Shader.shader.
Additionally, you have to edit PostProcessingBehaviour.cs and edit the following two references to remove the old path:
line 199: var uberMaterial = m_MaterialFactory.Get("Hidden/Post FX/Uber Shader"); line 248: ? m_MaterialFactory.Get("Hidden/Post FX/FXAA")
Thanks man. I ended up moving all my asset packages back to the Assets folder and that seemed to work (Post Processing was probably in there as well). I guess some file paths get broken when you move stuff around.. I'll see if I can find the Post Processing directory and just move that ins$$anonymous$$d so I don't have to keep ALL the files there. Thanks!
Доброго дня, для тех кто ничего не понимает по анг., и ничего не понял, разбирался пару дней. Ищем папку PostProcessing переносим в папку Assets. Ищем поиском все шейдеры, они могут быть во внутренних папках ресурсов и переносим в папку Shaders в корневой папке Assets. Затем в VisualStudio находим все через найти все в файлах "Hidden/FX/" и переименовываем в автоматическом режиме "Hidden/Post FX/". Сохраняем все файлы через сохранить все в VS. Переоткрываем проект юнити, все готово. Перепробовал все возможные советы, сработал только этот, ошибка может вызвать проблемы с отображением интерфейса.
Answer by OnlyHardProjects · Nov 16, 2018 at 06:18 PM
Clicar em>Project>Clicar no path/caminho raiz"assets">Clicar em PostProcessing>Show in Explorer>
já no explorer apagar a pasta"PostProcessing" e todos os .meta files>Voltar ao Unity3D>esperar para o Unity actualizar as bibliotecas/refresh>
dentro de Unity>ir na aba"Asset Store"> Procurar pelo asset"Post Processing Stack""https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/post-processing-stack-83912">
isso vai importar este mesmo asset novamente com o unity3d(Mas actualizado) v2.0> devera ter resolvido todo o problema!> Abraços! <3
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