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DrawLine GUI confusion
I am using the DrawLine function from http://wiki.unity3d.com/index.php?title=DrawLine I am just doing the following 3 calls and I would think that all three of these lines would start at the same spot. Only the vertical line works the way I would think it should. Can someone explain why the 2nd and 3rd DrawLine are not starting at 450,200?
void OnGUI() {
GUI.Box(new Rect(450,200, 100,200), "Box");
Drawing.DrawLine (new Vector2(450,200), new Vector2(550,200) , Color.white, BorderSize);
Drawing.DrawLine (new Vector2(450,200), new Vector2(450,400) , Color.green, BorderSize);
Drawing.DrawLine (new Vector2(450,200), new Vector2(550,400) , Color.yellow, BorderSize);
Here is an image of the issue. The top left corner of the box is (450,200). i would think that all the lines would start there but you see two of them do not.
@screwworkn: This is not a forum, it's a Q&A site. Answers should answer the question. For annotations there's a "add new comment" button below each post. Also when you edit your question it will be bumbed as well.
I've converted your "Answer" into a comment.
It would be great to "see" what is wrong. $$anonymous$$aybe a screenshot?