Question by
awwilhelm · Mar 21, 2016 at 09:09 PM ·
eventevent triggeringlisteneroverlappingeventlistener
Can you have event listeners that are in the parent and child?
In a gameobject that I have, the parent is the size of the entire gameobject and there are 3 children which break up the parent gameobject into three even spaces. I have an eventlistener pointerEnter on each child, so I know which part the mouse is over. Then I have a pointerDown on the parent. And this never works. I have found it only works when I comment out pointerEnter on all of the children. So my question is this even possible? Can I have overlapping event listeners?
PS: I know I you can just put a pointerDown on the children, but I wanted to know if it is possible another way.