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How to play audio through 7.1 speakers correctly?
Hi all,
I am quite new to unity and this is my first post, thanks for reading in advance if you do.
I met a problem when I trying to use 8 loudspeakers as my listening device. I created a scene includeing a spatial sound source and a mono sound source, and using steam audio plugin as spatializer. However, it seems only the left front, right front and the sub-woofer are active, and the rest channels are dead even I playing the mono sound source.
For debugging, . Debug.Log("Checking speakerMode: " + AudioSettings.speakerMode); Debug.Log("Checking driverCapabilities: " + AudioSettings.driverCapabilities); both commends above returns me "Mode7point1". So I suppose the loudspeakers set up is correct and the unity can recognize the driver (or maybe I missed some...).
I'm running on a Mac using the Dante virtual sound card for output. Can anyone tell me how can I set up a 7.1 system correctly? What I have missed? and is there any way to monitor the output of each channel?
Many thanks!!
Answer by davidfernard · Oct 30, 2018 at 03:13 AM
Visit this link https://www.audioreputation.com/best-wireless-surround-sound-systems/ and you will find a lot of information. It was useful for me.
Best Regards David