VideoPlayer laggs and gets mininized after long use on Android
I'm creating a digital signage like app in unity building for Android, in this i want to run videos for long periods of time, when i do the app starts lagging and eventually minimizes/dies.
Ive re-created the same issue in a plain new app that only has a video player with playing an example video (about 4MB mp4) playing on loop. After a few hours it starts to lag uncontrollably and after about 24 hours it has minimized/dies
Not getting any error messages as far as i can see from the video player, I subscribed to the video player error event but that never fires. Just minimizes/dies.
I'm building for android 4.1 as minimum, target max. Tested on a few different android devices as well as bluestacks and all display the same issue.
Unity version (2019-1-5f1)
Any way i can mitigate/solve this issue?
Best regards Streiner