Cannot create new C# Script Assets, and files with meta data are missing
Hello. I've recently gotten a new computer, and I've ran into a lot of problems when trying to create and work on unity projects.
Unity Version: 2020.3.15f1
First problem:
I am unable to create C# Script assets. Here's a screenshot to explain what I'm talking about. I've made sure that Visual Studio 2019 is set as my external editor tool in my preferences, and I've even re-installed both Visual Studio and Unity and the problem still persists.
Second Problem:
Every time I launch a project, any project, I get at minimum 60 warnings talking about missing. Here's a screenshot of it. I cannot find any good reason for why this is happening, as I said, this happened before I re-installed both Visual Studio AND Unity Hub, as well as all installations of Unity.
I'd very much appreciate any help I can get.
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