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Leaderboard implementation in Unity WebGL
Hello all,
We are developing Unity WebGL browser game Kornhal: https://twitter.com/kornhal
My concern is about leaderboard, because now it loads very slowly (load of another 100 player takes around 30 seconds). It doesn't seem like a correct implementation.
Here is current logic by developers: 1) We get top 100 player ids from leaderboard 2) We get player account data(name, fights won/lost, level, rank etc) using player id 3) We get player guild data using player id & show guild icon 4) All of this data is put to UI
My idea was to create table on server-side, update this table, and client would just download whole table. Otherwise developers are creating huge number of server requests which takes so long and I really don't believe it's scalable well. What is your opinion? Thanks!