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Video screen black
Hello, I am working on a project which involves watching 360 videos in the VR headset and quiz quesiotns pop up in a canvas at certain timestamps during the video.. The video would play earlier everytime the video scene loaded, but now as the number of scenes(each scene has a video playing ina 360 sphere), has increased, i am noticing that the video starts, the audio is heard, but the video screen is black until the first question in the canvas is answered, and then the video resumes, i mean I can see the video aftyer answering, What could be the reason?
what are you doing to the video after they answer the question?
The video pauses when the question pops up and after answering the question, it continues playing , likewise questions pop up throughout the video. I dont understand why is it black screen till the firsty quesiton, and then i can see the video for the rest of it
is black but the sound is playing? only happens the very first time you start the game? or once per clip? you are using a separate audio souce?
Answer by juhainamtc · Sep 10, 2019 at 07:57 AM
ey, I tried changing the playback speed of the video first, the video does appear faster now, without me having to see the black screen, but of course the video speed and audio were not in sync..So I finally clicked on the option, Wait for first frame(in the video player settings in Inspector) and it works totally fine now! the video loads quickly and no black screen :)
hi thanks for the suggestion After increasing the speed I still cannot get rid of the black screen any other ways/suggestions that might help?
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