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Blood dripping on character (HLSL shader?)
So for the past few "annoying ;)" days i been looking for away to show blood that drips down on character when hit, based on gravity etc. I found that game Overgrowth has the effect working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lp3HD3RQOY I didnt found nowhere answer of how that was done, before i found this:
http://http.download.nvidia.com/developer/SDK/Individual_Samples/DEMOS/Direct3D9/src/HLSL_BloodShader/docs/HLSL_BloodShader.pdf (It seems to be a texel based effect..)
So that looks to be effect i want but i have no experience on any kind of shaders.. But i also know that Unity supports HLSL but dont know how to get that working on Unity.
So i would really appreciate some pro help on this :)
(Could there be better way to make this? That Nvidia shader seem to be rather old so could there be new way? :D)
Watch the Noob to Pro shaders series. Ok its not mega great but it gets to the point. After this you should be able to easily work with shaders on a basic level. There are just a few Unity specific things to know of but beyond that its all mostly the same.
Well im only wanting to port this spesific shader and im not really interested of making any other shaders... and the tutorial series didnt seem to have anything on HLSL? :O
Has anyone got this shader working on unity, or any HLSL shader? Any advice? :D
It's not about learning HLSL, its about learning the structure of a shader.
I'm wanting this shader too. There's really no way (except if somebody generously handed over the solution to you, which rarely do people share their shader hardwork) other than to learn shaders and be good at them even if you only need a certain thing from them. I'm going over these https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cg_Program$$anonymous$$g/Unity - Wait forever or learn a few things and write the thing yourself? I'll take the latter thanks.
"Wait forever or learn a few things and write the thing yourself?" What about option c.) Pay someone who does know about shaders to write it for you?
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