Question by
Speedshift · Jun 27, 2020 at 02:17 AM ·
carcar gamecarscar-tutorialcar race
I can't import a sky-car,I cannot import the basic sky-car.
Can someone help? Does the free version have a sky-car? If it does, where can I find and import it? Please help! Is it only available on unity plus, unity pro and stuff?,Okay, so I'm a beginner. (Just started 1 hour ago). I'm using the free version of unity, and I want to make a racing game. I downloaded some car models and stuff, and it imports fine! But why can't I import a sky-car? Without it, I can't even make a racing game...
Please help and answer with screenshots how to import a sky-car, and also please tell if I can't because I'm using the free version.