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Was the license for Standard assets changed? for non-commercial use only?
In this post: https://forum.unity.com/threads/can-i-use-unitys-standard-assets-in-unity-free.209069/ ,from nov 5, 2013 one person said:
'Q: Can we use the code/art/assets in Unity Technologies example projects?
A: Yes, all assets in our tutorial and example projects may be used in both commercial and non-commercial use in Unity-based projects. The assets themselves may not be resold, however. Note that these assets are widely known in the games industry, so if you do use them in your titles it may be obvious that you re-used Unity assets.
It is cleary yes.
But it was changed, now in here: https://unity3d.com/unity/faq the unity changed for:
'Q: Can we use the code/art/assets in Unity Technologies example projects?
A: Assets in our tutorial and example projects are well known and therefore we recommend you don’t use them in commercial games and content. They are meant to be used in non-commercial content for educational purposes only. The assets may not be resold.
So now, they don't recommend to be use commercially.
So, Can we use Standard assets for a commercial game? Like use the water as example. Maybe it is now forbidden.
Not a clear yes and not a clear no. I hate it when they do this... :P In the past I have been in contact with Unity regarding the Asset Store asset EULA:s and they were actually very wuick to answer my mails. $$anonymous$$y questions where not answered with clear yes or no either $$anonymous$$d you, and I had to converse with them a bit back and forth to get the clear answers I needed. They actually ended up clarifying the EULA efter that so they do listen when you talk to them.
I am also interested to see what the answer to this question is!