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Some simple question about "animating"
I got a question about i think it is about animating.
if i would make a full character in blender (person + weapon), how do i make it so that the arms of it stay in the screen (and ofcourse, connected to the body) and that the upperbody bends when looking up and down.
A unity noob
First of all: It is common practice in FPS games to have seperate models for what the player sees of his character (the arms and weapon) and what he sees from a third-person perspective. The former is called the view model and the latter the world model. The view model is generally much more detailed and animated, since it is viewed from up close.
That being said, you will probably have to look into Inverse $$anonymous$$inematiks (I$$anonymous$$), there are a couple of assets on the asset store, as well aas a built-in Unity feature as part of the Unity $$anonymous$$ecchanim animation system. The Unity user wiki also has a HeadLookController script which can be useful for making the upper body follow a point in space.