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Counting lines of code.
Hey, does Unity provide a way to count lines of code?
I was looking into using something like CLOC, but I can't figure out how to integrate it. Cheers for any help.
In the IDE the lines are numbered so I just go to the bottom of the page of each script and add it all up, that's what I do! :P
Answer by Eli-Davis · Jun 12, 2011 at 05:49 AM
UniSciTE counts line of code. In the editor you go to view, and then click line numbers
You have realised that this question and answer is over 10 years old? UniSciTE was a UnityScript only text editor based on SciTE. UnityScript has been removed from Unity years ago. See the Wiki. It was usually shipped with Unity, however it has been removed even longer ago since it wasn't that advanced. It was first replaced with MonoDevelop which had a much larger language support. For several years now VisualStudio Community is the editor that is shipped with Unity.
Visual Studio has a much better code metric already built-into. See the Analyse menu or this SO question for more information.
Apart from this there are countless other tools to gather code metrics. This is also not really a Unity relevant question since your code is essentially like any other external asset that is just imported in Unity.