My Turn Based Battle system isn't working,My Turn Based Battle system doesn't work
so i have an image with this script on it, which has the entire turn based battle system on it. When clicked, as you can see with the OnSelect part, I want it to do damage to the int health on another script called uncletimhpinnewbattle. My problems are that the uncletimv2 object that the uncletimhpinnewbattle sits on only takes damage once and wont take more damage when i click the button again. This is what I need for a turn based battle, but I havent put any code saying that the player cant do damage when its not their turn. My script is supposed to determine whether its the players turn or not if their noofclicks is 0. The noofclicks int doesnt go down either.
I would appreciate it if someone were to point me in the right direction since my code is very messy right now. If someone could fix my code and retype it that'd be great. I am not asking someone to write my game for me, I am asking someone for help on this script. using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
public class highlightstatsbutton : MonoBehaviour, IPointerEnterHandler, ISelectHandler
public int noofclicks = 1;
public int reductionperclick = 1;
public bool touched = false;
public int damage = 5;
public GameObject unctimv2;
// When image highlighted with mouse.
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData)
// When image is clicked.
public void OnSelect(BaseEventData eventData)
unctimv2.GetComponent<uncletimhpinnewbattle>().health -= damage;
touched = true;
noofclicks -= reductionperclick;
//over here it only reduces the health the first time its clicked and never again
private void Update()
if (noofclicks <= 0)
Debug.Log("congratulations your code works");
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