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New Input System Doesn't Work After Load Scene
I load a "Battle Scene" by loading scene additive, and deactivating the old scene. Then when battle is over I unload the battle scene and re-activate the old scene.
However after re-activating the old scene my Player receives no input in Player Input. I think this is because Player Input may still be trying to act upon the "Battle Scene" version of my character.
How do I return control to my player after returning to my old scene?
Answer by FrozenTrident · May 09, 2021 at 05:05 AM
My guess is that you aren't using scene transitions properly you are just deactivating and reactivating your "scenes" which is probably messing up the control so your best shot is to use the proper scene transitions here is a tutorial on how to do so https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE9VOZivb3I&t=897s this video shows you how to do smooth transitions;
The linked chunk of video is offensively irrelevant to the question.
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