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Size of apk too big
I have a problem with my app for Adroid. Size of my asset folder is 2 MB, but when I buld my apk, size is 20MB. I do not have anything in my project which has 18 MB. Here is a pic of editor log of my app. Can you suggest me, how could I reduce size of my apk? I will be very gald for every sugestion.
Thank you.
Answer by Ardaaytac · Jun 12, 2017 at 09:15 AM
Try changing Device Filter to ARMv7 in Build settings if you didnt do it.
Thank you for your suggestion. This greatly reduced size of apk file, from 23, to 14 $$anonymous$$B. But this means, that only 64-bit devices will be supported?
You can upload more than 1 apk,so apk for arm devices and x86 devices is possible.Google it, But as far as I know theres only %3-%5 people using x86 device.(I may be wrong)