Projecting part of a unity camera onto a monitor,Projecting certain area of a camera from plane
Hello, I'm looking at trying to figure out a problem, here is a VR scene with a camera, the blue plane is 16:9 and in accurate VR space to a real computer monitor:
What I'm trying to do is to somehow just show this area within in the plane, fullscreen on the real computer monitor, no matter how the camera moves, so I would get something like this (apologies for the poor cutting).
I've tried using a second camera looking at a render texture and zooming in, but I haven't figured out how to constrain it to the blue plane area.
Any help is appreciated, thanks,Hello, I'm looking at trying to figure out a problem, here is a VR scene with a camera, the blue plane is 16:9 and in accurate VR space to a real computer monitor:
What I'm trying to do is to somehow just show this area within in the plane, fullscreen on the real computer monitor, no matter how the camera moves, so I would get something like this (apologies for the poor cutting).
I've tried using a second camera looking at a render texture and zooming in, but I haven't figured out how to constrain it to the blue plane area.
Any help is appreciated, thanks
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