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How do you import a unity vr or ar project to android studio to launch as its own activity?
I am trying to import a unity project into an android studio project. The first unity project is a VR program that I compiled into a .aar and import as a library into Android Studio however upon runtime I get this error
(Filename: ./artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51) 06-15 15:43:59.627 7083-7181/com.linamar.amalhotra2.test E/Unity: GvrPointerGraphicRaycaster requires GvrPointer to have a Camera when in Direct mode.
Even though it compiles and runs on my phone fine if I download it from unity directly. The main problem is although the rest of my app is working fine it is not detecting any head movement and is not locking screen rotation so the display is in a static position.
Answer by carrizofm2010 · Jul 27, 2017 at 02:18 PM
in GvrReticlePointer -Inspector. Use "Camera" in Raycast Mode
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