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how do i profile webgl app on .app domain
so, i have a .app domain, .app domains are in the hsts preload list so it's not possible to use http, ONLY https, also chrome will not allow mixed content, so when the profiler connects with websockets through ws:// chrome block it, even if i tell chrome to allow insecure content it automatically returns a 101 to upgrade to wss, it really REALLY doesn't want insecure content and there seems to be nothing i can do to tell chrome "yeah, i know it's insecure, it's just connecting locally, calm down" and i can't seem to find any ways to tell unity "hey, could you use wss?" i mean, i can tell it to use wss, i just can't get the profiler to understand it, profiler is like "you are speaking gibberish to me, i'm hanging up now"
so...how do i get around this?
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