Sprite becomes pixelated when I increase the size of the camera
Hi everyone! I'm stuck for several days on a problem (yes several days, so if a hero can help me my day will be beautiful), I want to have sprites not pixelize even if they are a little far from the camera, but as you can see on the picture, the more I increase the size of the camera (in the projection option) the more it becomes pixelized.
I have tried to change the image option (filter, compression, etc ...) but it doesn't change anything.
So I wanted to find out how to do it, even if I have to redo all my images in a certain format, it's okay, I really want to find a solution!
Currently, my sprite is 2000x2000, I also tried with 500x500 but when I move away the result is the same !
I really hope you will be able to help me!
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