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2D Roly-Poly
Hey guys, so, my question is really simple (and I'm kind of ashamed of having to ask this but...)...
I'm trying to make a 2D roly-poly (the toy) object for my scene. I've tried some approaches, with the most recent one using a multitude of rigidbodies and joints to try to achieve this effect, but it's not working like the toy, that wobbles for some time before stopping...
I searched google for any hint, including searching how to achieve this using box2D, but if someone did that, he/she didn't share how to do this :P (or I just didn't find :X)
Here's my current set-up:
It has 3 objects:
The base, that has a CicleCollider2D and is responsible for the rotation that translates/rotates the
Haste, that has a BoxCollider2D, and is connected to the Base with a SliderJoint2D and the
Object, that will have the sprite, have a BoxCollider2D that is connected to the Haste by a DistanceJoint2D
So, the problem is that, one, I find this setup just too complex, considering more objects in a mobile platform and, two, this setup does not allow me to effectively do the wobbling effect...
I hope someone has already done this in unity and can at least guide me to the right set-up...
Hi Chaoseiro, You've done it? You can share for me. Thanks you!