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Duplicate Question http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/638620/how-do-i-port-from-unity3d-to-windows-phone-8.html
porting to windows phone 8?
these are the following errors that i face while port unity project to windows phone 8.
1) Error building Player: Exception: Error: method System.Byte[] System.IO.File::ReadAllBytes(System.String)
doesn't exist in target framework. It is referenced from Assembly-CSharp.dll at System.Byte[] NGUITools::Load(System.String).
2) Error: type System.Timers.Timer
doesn't exist in target framework. It is referenced from Assembly-CSharp.dll at CEnergyManager.
3) Error: type System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
doesn't exist in target framework. It is referenced from Assembly-CSharp.dll at BinarySerializer.
4) Error: type System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
doesn't exist in target framework. It is referenced from Assembly-CSharp.dll at System.Void BinarySerializer::SerializeObjectList(System.Collections.Generic.List`1).
5) Error: method System.Xml.XmlWriter System.Xml.XmlWriter::Create(System.String,System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings)
doesn't exist in target framework. It is referenced from Assembly-CSharp.dll at System.Void CExperiencePoints::writeXML().
could you help me with solutions for these errors.