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Placing Input.GetkeyDown() inside FixedUpdate() slows down the rate I can fire at
Hello all,
As the title suggests, if I place Input.GetKeyDown() inside FixedUpdate() to fire a Rigidbody, then the rate I can fire at becomes intermittent, no matter how fast I press the key. Now this makes sense as FixedUpdate updates less often than Update, but if this is the case then how can I work around it to shoot when I'd like?
// Public variables are also shown in the Unity UI and can be changed in the Inspector
public Rigidbody bulletPrefab; // holds a reference to the bullet Rigidbody
// public Transform bulletPrefab;
public float bulletPower = 1500f; // used to set the power of the bullets
// public float casingPower = 1500f; // used to set the power of the bullet casings expelled from side of gin
// public float moveSpeed = 2f;
// The general variable to hold the direction of the bullt - Enemy or Forward
public Vector3 bulletDirection = Vector3.zero;
// Variable to hold the direction of the enemy, assigned to the Instantiation, etc
private Vector3 enemyDirection = Vector3.zero;
// Used to reference the Player object
private GameObject playerObj;
// Used to reference the LockOnTriggerObject
private GameObject lockOnTriggerObj;
public float ShootDelay = 0.1F;
private float Timer = 0.0F;
// References the direction of the Player
private Vector3 playerFwdDir = Vector3.zero;
// Used to delay when the shooting begins after the Player is touched
private bool delayFlag = true;
// Used as a reference to check the PlayerTouch flag in MovementController
private bool playerTouched;
// Used as a reference to check the HoverFlag in MovementController script
private bool hoverFlag;
// The position of the spawner when hovering
public Vector3 hoveringPosition = Vector3.zero;
// The position of the spawner when running
private Vector3 runningPosition = Vector3.zero;
// Flag to let other scripts know if a bullet from the Right bullet_spawner has hit an object
public bool R_Bullet = false;
void Start()
// Find the Player Object and then access its PlayerSounds script in order to player the sounds we need
playerObj = GameObject.Find("Player");
lockOnTriggerObj = GameObject.Find("PlayerLockOnTrigger");
// The forward direction of the Player
playerFwdDir = playerObj.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
hoveringPosition = new Vector3(4.28f, 8.35f, 4.66f);
runningPosition = new Vector3(4.239313f, 7.397574f, 7.170765f);
void Update()
// Gain access to the WeaponController script to check its playerTouched variable..
playerTouched = playerObj.GetComponent<WeaponController>().playerTouched;
if (playerTouched)
// Check whether the Player is hovering or not. This is used so that we can re-position the
// BulletSpawner_R object to a position that appears to shoot out of the right gun.
hoverFlag = playerObj.GetComponent<MovementController>().HoverFlag;
if (hoverFlag)
transform.localPosition = hoveringPosition;
transform.localPosition = runningPosition;
void Firing()
// Access the CrosshairToggle script and check whether the we have an enemy targeted.
// Ie. Has the ray we cast in the EnemyIntersect script hit an enemy, passed the
// Enemy's position to CrosshairToggle to place the crosshair onto the enemy.
// if (PlayerObj.GetComponent<CrosshairToggle>().EnemyTargetted)
if (lockOnTriggerObj.GetComponent<ClosestEnemy>().EnemyTargetted)
// && lockOnTriggerObj.GetComponent<ClosestEnemy>().EnemyDestroyed == false)
// Calculate the relative position of the Player to the Enemy ans store in bulletDirection
bulletDirection = lockOnTriggerObj.GetComponent<ClosestEnemy>().EnemyPosition - transform.position;
bulletDirection = Vector3.forward;
// Make the Spawner rotation equal to the rotation of the bullet direction,
// (towards an Enemy or straight ahead)
transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(bulletDirection);
// If touching the screen with LMB AND touching the Player is true..
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && playerTouched)
Timer += Time.deltaTime;
if (Timer >= ShootDelay)
Timer = 0;
// Create a new variable named instance (of type Rigidbody - the bullet in this case)
// Into this variable we are storing a reference to the creation of a new object that is of type Rigidbody (bullet).
// Requires three pieces of information namely, Instantiate(What to make, Where to make it, a rotation to give it);
Rigidbody newBullet = Instantiate(bulletPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation) as Rigidbody;
//Rename the bullet instances to avoid the default '(Clone)' extension which Unity adds.
newBullet.name = "bullet";
/* we will apply the force by first referring to our variable that represents the newly created object—instance,
then using the AddForce() command to add a force in the direction of the fwd variable—multiplied by the
public variable named power that we created earlier. */
newBullet.AddForce(transform.forward * bulletPower);
// Used to delay the shooting of the bullets to give the animation enough time to raise the arm, etc
IEnumerator Delayer()
if (delayFlag)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.2f);
delayFlag = false;
Answer by Meltdown · Aug 16, 2012 at 02:12 PM
You should be putting Input.GetKeyDown() into your Update() method. FixedUpdate is for Physics specific related stuff.
Well the projectile I'm firing has a Rigidbody component and so I placed the Instantiation/AddForce related stuff into FixedUpdate() as you're saying. So in that case, how would I link the the Get$$anonymous$$eyDown() I woulf have inside Update to then carry out the stuff in FixedUpdate?
No, you must call your instantiate method from Update(). eg. if(Input.Get$$anonymous$$eyDown()) GameObject.Instantiate(); Then AddForce, since it's a Physics based method, is called in FixedUpdate(). You may want to store each instantiated projectile into a List, then loop through the list in FixedUpdate and apply the force there.
For performance you should only be calling AddForce() once. So add a script to your projectile prefab that adds the force in your Start() method so it only fires once.
It's quite O$$anonymous$$ to put AddForce in Update. Since it's just being done once on $$anonymous$$eyDown and not continuously, there's no particular reason to use FixedUpdate.
Thanks for the replies, guys.
Well, right now it's adding the force using $$anonymous$$eyDown as it's being developed in Windows. However, the game will be for iOS and will have continuous shooting when its ported.
$$anonymous$$y script is attached to the bullet spawner object, I wonder if you might help me with it and where everything should be placed? I'll paste it above if you don't $$anonymous$$d.
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