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A* endless loop
My A* path finding loops through a list of nodes that are neighbors of your starting node, however the game doesn't find a path when you are not on the same column as the goal.
public class Node
public Node()
public Vector3 pos;
public override bool Equals (object obj)
Node test = (Node)obj;
bool value = false;
if (pos.x == test.pos.x &&pos.y == test.pos.y &&pos.z == test.pos.z)
value = true;
return value;
my A* class
public class AstarHolder{
//List<Node> emptySet;
List<Node> openSet = new List<Node>();
List<Node> closedSet = new List<Node>();
Dictionary<Node,Node> cameFrom = new Dictionary<Node, Node>(); //new List<Node>();
Dictionary<Node,float> gScore = new Dictionary<Node, float>();
Dictionary<Node,float> fScore = new Dictionary<Node, float>();
public Dictionary<Node,List<Node>> neighborNodes = new Dictionary<Node, List<Node>>();
public AstarHolder()
public bool Holds(List<Node> list,Node searchNode)
foreach(Node node in list)
if (node.Equals(searchNode))
return true;
return false;
public bool Holds(Dictionary<Node,Node> list,Node searchNode)
foreach(Node node in list.Values)
if (node.Equals(searchNode))
return true;
return false;
public float Holds(Dictionary<Node,float> list,Node searchNode)
foreach(Node node in list.Keys)
if (node.Equals(searchNode))
return list[node];
return 1000;
float heurCost(Node start, Node goal)
return Vector3.Distance(start.pos,goal.pos)/4;
public List<Node> astar(Node start,Node goal)
closedSet.Clear(); //the set of nodes already evauluated.
openSet.Add(start); //the set of tentative nodes to be checked
cameFrom.Clear(); // the map of navigated nodes
gScore[start] = 0;
fScore[start] = gScore[start] + heurCost(start,goal);
int it = -1;
while (openSet.Count > 0 && it < 10000)
//current = //the node in the openset having the lowest fscore[] value
Node current = new Node();
foreach (Node newCurrent in cameFrom.Values)
current = newCurrent;
float lowestScore =1000;
foreach (float fcheck in fScore.Values)
if (fcheck < lowestScore)
//lowestNode = fScore.;
lowestScore = fcheck;
foreach (Node testNode in fScore.Keys)
if (lowestScore == fScore[testNode] && !Holds(closedSet,testNode))
current = testNode;
if (current == goal || Holds(cameFrom,goal) /*|| cameFrom.Count >= 2*/)
return redoPath(cameFrom,goal);
if (!Holds(closedSet,current))
List<Node> tempList = new List<Node>();// = neighborNodes[current];
foreach(Node finderNode in neighborNodes.Keys)
if (finderNode.Equals(current))
tempList = neighborNodes[finderNode];
if (current.pos.x == 0 && current.pos.y == 0)
it = 10000;
foreach(Node neighbor in tempList)
if (Holds(closedSet,neighbor))// closedSet.Contains(neighbor))
//float ngScore = gScore[current] + (Vector3.Distance(current.pos,neighbor.pos)/4);//distBetween(current,neighbor);
float ngScore = Holds(gScore,current) + (Vector3.Distance(current.pos,neighbor.pos)/4);//distBetween(current,neighbor);
if (!Holds(openSet,neighbor) || ngScore < gScore[neighbor])
cameFrom[neighbor] = current;
gScore[neighbor] = ngScore;
fScore[neighbor] = gScore[neighbor] + heurCost(neighbor,goal);
//if (!openSet.Contains(neighbor))
if (!Holds(openSet,neighbor))
return null;
Can anyone help me make this actually get the proper path please?