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Adressing a Child Object after it´s unparented
Hey, I have a big ship in my space shooter game which is used as a hub to spawn smaller ship. The small ships are instantiated in the as a child object and are released from the parent ship after 10 seconds, after which a new ship will spawn. During the time when the small ship is parented I want his layer to be set to invulnerable, and change it later to a layer called enemy. When I run the code down below, I found out by console logging that the ship is set to layer enemy for one frame, and then later is set back to layer invulnerable.
//checking if ship can be launched
if (shipCooldownTimer <= 0f && en_mov_script.onCamera() && shipInDock == false)
//launches random ship
int shipnumber = Random.Range(0, shipPrefab.Length); // determine which ship will be launched
Quaternion rotation = transform.rotation * Quaternion.Euler(0,0,180f); //changes z rotation by 180 degrees
childShip = Instantiate(shipPrefab[shipnumber], transform.position - transform.up * 1.5f, rotation, transform);
//disables movement of ship and set layer to invuln
childShip.GetComponent<EnemyMovement>().enabled = false;
childShip.layer = 10;
//set ship cooldown and shipInDock bool
shipCooldownTimer = shipLaunchDelay;
shipInDock = true;
if (shipCooldownTimer <= 1f && shipInDock == true)
//set layer to enemy
childShip.layer = 9;
//enables movement of ship
childShip.GetComponent<EnemyMovement>().enabled = true;
//unchilds ship from bigship
childShip.transform.parent = null;
//resets shipInDock bool
shipInDock = false;
My plan was to give the instantiated object a name (childShip) so I can adress it to change its layer and when a new ship is spawned just overwrite childShip so it refers to the new object. Unfortunately something doesn´t work. Any ideas?