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Is there any way to access iOS built-in fonts with different font weight/ font styles? (ex: medium/light/thin)
I'm working on an iOS project using different languages (Korean, Chinese, Russian, etc..).
What I want to achieve is to access iOS built-in fonts like Helvetica, San Francisco or PingFang rather than include those font data (to reduce the built size).
I've tried filling up some fallback fonts in the "Font Names" field that I assume it can access OS built-in fonts.
For example: my font file named "SF-UI-Display-Light.otf", which is not support for CJK (chinese, japenese, korean), so I type like "PingFangTC, PingFangTC-Light" in the "Font Names" field. However it didn't work.
Also tried on android using Roboto and Noto Sans CJK. However it only worked on using like "Roboto Bold, Roboto Italic, Roboto Bold Italic" which is matched with unity GUI font style, and English only.
Is that possible to access other font weight through unity? Any help or further info on the matter is highly appreciated :)