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,Fast Moving Gameobject Collision and Trigger Check Failed
,Hello guys I have a problem with collision detection via script check the video for more details Either when triggered or collided, the shell should be destroyed First shot -> the colliders are triggers, there is OnTriggerEnter Function on the colliders so it should be triggered but it didn't Second shot -> turn them into normal colliders and see if they worked, well they didn't again, but you can see, the shell bounces off the collider, so I know the collision "definitely" happened? Third shot -> Disable the right side collider, but keep the left side, still doesn't work do you have any ideas what is wrong? I got some idea on how Unity tries to simulate collision without even colliding first but it doesn't make sense at all since the OnCollisionEnter or OnTriggerEnter didnt work btw I am using Continious Dynamic and Interpolate for the tank and Extrapolate for the Shell, Well, i have used all the combos I could have used, I am not sure whether Rigidbody.SweepTest would work but just asking if there is any other solutions to it
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