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3D object tracking using Kinect to move a gameobject
I have tried sample packages both from zigfu and kinect sdk, I can easily go in to skeletal tracking because of the sample codes, but no luck in 3D object tracking.
I have read quite a few papers too where they talk about analyzing depth pixels and running various particle filter algorithms to get it done.
If any could help me point the approach I should take it would be of great help. Also is it possible to directly analyze the data using kinect API's or have to use image processing libraries like OpenCV to get the the results.
The problem statement in brief would be as follows:
To track a 3D neutral object(white cube, white sphere) so that the exact pose(rotation and translation) is applied to the gameobject.
I want to do the same thing, that is to track an object using $$anonymous$$inect connected to Unity- but I have no idea how to do it yet.. I'll look into it more, but if you figure something out, I'd be super grateful if you shared! :D