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Player moves diagonally even when not telling him to
Hello there. I'm working on a simple game, sort of a top-down shooter a la Robotron or Asteroids. I have some code that I adapted from another project where I was following a tutorial series, 3dBuzz's guide on third person movement (stripping out the parts regarding slopes because I won't have any). I'm running Unity3D 4.1.2f1 on Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.
I have an empty game object, named Player, within which I've added a capsule, a camera, and a rectangle to act as the "gun" (but is just a mesh). The camera I've moved to above the player and rotated to face straight down. I've attached a Character Controller to the Player, giving it a capsule collider. I've also attached these three classes, posted below, which provide the movement and such.
What happens is that I can move forward-left, left, backwards-left, and backwards seemingly just fine. Moving foward causes the player to move diagonally forward-left, but not to the same extent as if I was holding both forward and left keys. Forward-right doesn't work at all. Right only works if that's the only key I'm holding down. The other project I got my code from works fine. I've completely deleted and re-done this project with the same code and am getting the same results. Input mappings are still default.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
* Processing player input
* Motion input (converting into Vector3)
* Initial setup check for camera
* Constant checks for camera existence (if camera doesn't exist, stop working)
* Primary Functionality
* - Take in player inputs
* - Create a vector "MoveVector"
* - Forces update() in TP_Motor
* Secondary Functionality
* - Housekeeping
* - References:
* Character Controller component
* Instance of this class
* - Initial camera check
* - Continuous camera check (failsafe)
* */
public class PlayerController:MonoBehaviour
public static CharacterController CharController; //reference to Character Controller component
public static PlayerController Instance; //instance to self class
public float X_MouseSensitivity = 5.0f;
public float Y_MouseSensitivity = 5.0f;
private float mouseX = 0f;
private float mouseY = 0f;
* Takes place first, for initial setup
* 1. Assign references into static fields
* 2. Performs initial camera check
* */
void Awake()
CharController = GetComponent("CharacterController") as CharacterController;
Instance = this;
void Start()
mouseX = 0f;
mouseY = 0f;
* Update is called once per frame
* 1. Check to see if main camera still exists, and exits if it doesn't find it (won't take any more input)
* 2. Call GetLocomotionInput(), and get return vector
* 3. Tell TP_Motor to update itself
* */
void Update()
if(Camera.mainCamera == null)
* 1. Create variable to store dead space
* 2. Zero-out the move vector
* 3a. Make sure vertical motion is outside dead space. If so, apply vertical axis input to Z-axis of move vector.
* 3b. Make sure horizontal motion is outside dead space. If so, apply horizontal axis input to X-axis of move vector.
* */
void GetLocomotionInput()
var deadZone = 0.1f;
//get mouse axis input
//mouseX += Input.GetAxis("Mouse X") * X_MouseSensitivity;
//mouseY -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * Y_MouseSensitivity;
PlayerMotor.Instance.VerticalVelocity = PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.y;
PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector = Vector3.zero;
if(Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > deadZone || Input.GetAxis("Vertical") < -deadZone)
PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector += new Vector3(0, 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
if(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") > deadZone || Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") < -deadZone)
PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector += new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, 0);
Debug.Log("Horizontal: "+Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")+", Vertical: "+Input.GetAxis("Vertical"));
Debug.Log("MoveVector x: "+PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.x+", y: "+PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.y+", z: "+PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.z);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
* Process motion data from TP_Controller into world-space motion
* Character rotation (relative to mouse - mouse's position defines character's rotation)
* Primary Functionality
* - Apply MoveVector as world-space motion
* 1. Convert MoveVector to a vector in world space, relative to character rotation
* 2. Normalize vector to between 0 and 1
* 3. Multiply vector by user-set move speed to increase magnitude
* 4. Convert move speed from units per update to units per second using Time.DeltaTime()
* 5. Move the character by the finalized MoveVector
* 6. Apply motion
* Secondary Functionality
* - If moving, rotate character to face same direction as the mouse's position
* */
public class PlayerMotor:MonoBehaviour
public static PlayerMotor Instance; //instance to self class
public float ForwardSpeed = 10.0f; //multiplier for the normalized vector
public float BackwardSpeed = 2.0f;
public float StrafingSpeed = 5.0f;
public float RollSpeed = 6f; //to add dodge-rolling later
public float Gravity = 21f;
public float TerminalVelocity = 20f;
public Vector3 MoveVector{ get; set; } //vector that is accessed by PlayerController and is processed by PlayerMotor
public float VerticalVelocity{ get; set; }
* Takes place first, for initial setup
* 1. Assign reference for instance
* */
void Awake()
Instance = this;
* Called by PlayerController
* 1. Call RotateCharacterToMouse()
* 2. Call ProcessMotion()
* */
public void UpdateMotor()
* Align character towards mouse by modifying character's rotation
* */
void RotateCharacterToMouse()
//transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(transform.eulerAngles.x, Camera.mainCamera.transform.eulerAngles.y, transform.eulerAngles.z);
float MoveSpeed()
var moveSpeed = 0f;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.Stationary:
moveSpeed = 0;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.Forward:
moveSpeed = ForwardSpeed;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.Backward:
moveSpeed = BackwardSpeed;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.Left:
moveSpeed = StrafingSpeed;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.LeftForward:
moveSpeed = ForwardSpeed;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.LeftBackward:
moveSpeed = BackwardSpeed;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.Right:
moveSpeed = StrafingSpeed;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.RightForward:
moveSpeed = ForwardSpeed;
case PlayerAnimator.Direction.RightBackward:
moveSpeed = BackwardSpeed;
* //convert to dodge-rolling
if(slideDirection.magnitude > 0)
moveSpeed = SlideSpeed;
return moveSpeed;
void ApplyGravity()
//Make sure we're not exceeding terminal velocity
if(MoveVector.y > -TerminalVelocity)
MoveVector = new Vector3(MoveVector.x, MoveVector.y - Gravity * Time.deltaTime, MoveVector.z);
//Check to see if character is grounded
if(PlayerController.CharController.isGrounded && MoveVector.y < -1)
MoveVector = new Vector3(MoveVector.x, -1, MoveVector.z);
* Calls TransformDirection()
* 1. Converts MoveVector to world-space relative to character's orientation
* 2. Check to see if MoveVector's magnitude > 1, and normalizes if so
* 3. Multiply MoveVector by moveSpeed
* 4. Multiply MoveVector by DeltaTime
* 5. Call a built-in function (Move) to move the character
* */
void ProcessMotion()
//Transform MoveVector into world-space relative to character's transformation
MoveVector = transform.TransformDirection(MoveVector);
//Normalize MoveVector if magnitude > 1
if(MoveVector.magnitude > 1)
MoveVector = Vector3.Normalize(MoveVector);
//Apply dodging if applicable
//Multiply normalized MoveVector by moveSpeed
MoveVector *= MoveSpeed();
//Reapply vertical velocity to MoveVector.y
MoveVector = new Vector3(MoveVector.x, VerticalVelocity, MoveVector.z);
//Move the character in world-space
PlayerController.CharController.Move(MoveVector * Time.deltaTime);
PlayerAnimator.cs - Not really used yet, but is referenced
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class PlayerAnimator:MonoBehaviour
public static PlayerAnimator Instance;
public enum Direction
Stationary, Forward, Backward, Left, Right, LeftForward, LeftBackward, RightForward, RightBackward
public Direction MoveDirection{ get; set; } //Property to hold the current Direction state
// Use this for initialization
void Awake()
Instance = this;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void DetermineCurrentMoveDirection()
var forward = false;
var backward = false;
var left = false;
var right = false;
if(PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.z > 0)
forward = true;
if(PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.z < 0)
backward = true;
if(PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.x > 0)
right = true;
if(PlayerMotor.Instance.MoveVector.x < 0)
left = true;
MoveDirection = Direction.LeftForward;
Debug.Log("forward/left - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.LeftForward: "+Direction.LeftForward);
}else if(right){
MoveDirection = Direction.RightForward;
Debug.Log("forward/right - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.RightForward: "+Direction.RightForward);
MoveDirection = Direction.Forward;
Debug.Log("forward/none - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.Forward: "+Direction.Forward);
}else if(backward){
MoveDirection = Direction.LeftBackward;
Debug.Log("backward/left - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.LeftBackward: "+Direction.LeftBackward);
}else if(right){
MoveDirection = Direction.RightBackward;
Debug.Log("backward/right - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.RightBackward: "+Direction.RightBackward);
MoveDirection = Direction.Backward;
Debug.Log("backward/none - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.Backward: "+Direction.Backward);
}else if(left){
MoveDirection = Direction.Left;
Debug.Log("left - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.Left: "+Direction.Left);
}else if(right){
MoveDirection = Direction.Right;
Debug.Log("right - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.Right: "+Direction.Right);
MoveDirection = Direction.Stationary;
Debug.Log("stationary - MoveDirection: "+MoveDirection+", Direction.Stationary: "+Direction.Stationary);
Finally, here's a screenshot of my game, for some perspective.
Does anyone see what I could be doing wrong? I've looked at other posts about diagonal movement, such as this one about removing diagonal movement, but overall I'm not seeing any differences basic functionality.
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