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Raycast causes all enemies to attack
So for my game, I have tried a few different ways of detecting my player to get the enemies to stop and attack. However, I want only the current one that detects the player to stop and proceed to attack (they are all prefabs of the same model).
I've tried using a raycast to project a ray both forwards and backwards from the enemy for detection. This seems to work, but all of the enemies in the scene stop and proceed to do the attack animation (and they get stuck doing this and won't return to their patrol state once the player isn't detected anymore).
I believe one problem with it getting stuck is destroying the enemy before the player leaves the detection zone. Outside of that I am stumped as to how I should go about fixing this is.
Enemy Attack:
void Update()
#region Commented Out
//Vector3 relativePos = target.position - transform.position;
//Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(relativePos);
//rotation.y = 0;
//rotation.x = 0;
//rotation.z = 0;
//transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * fireSpeed);
////Grabs the forward vector of this game object
Vector3 fwd = this.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position + (transform.up * -0.2f), -fwd * 3, Color.green);
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position + (transform.up * -0.2f), fwd * 3, Color.red);
//Raycast to detect player
if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position + (transform.up * -0.2f), fwd * 3, out hit, 3) && this.hit.collider.gameObject == playerLoc ||
Physics.Raycast(transform.position + (transform.up * -0.2f), -fwd * 3, out hit, 3) && this.hit.collider.gameObject == playerLoc)
playerSeen = true;
Debug.Log("This should be true: " + playerSeen);
playerSeen = false;
Debug.Log("This should be false: " + playerSeen);
//Get distance between player and the enemy
distance = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, target.position);
if (distance < range && Time.time > lastShotTime + (3.0f / fireRate) && playerSeen)
lastShotTime = Time.time;
Enemy Movement:
void Update()
//Moves if the player isn't seen and stops/attacks if the player is seen
if (!playerSeen)
//Start Movement
anim.SetBool("Patrolling", true);
anim.SetBool("Patrolling", false);
//Stop Movement
//Handles flipping enemy to face the target while playerSeen
if (enemyAttack.target.position.x < this.transform.position.x)
this.transform.rotation = lookLeft;
else if (enemyAttack.target.position.x > this.transform.position.x)
this.transform.rotation = lookRight;
IEnumerator Movement()
//Check for position and switch direction flag if condition is met
if (transform.position == targetLoc.position)
switchDirection = true;
if (transform.position == startLoc.position)
switchDirection = false;
//Handles movement between two points
if (switchDirection)
//Flip Model to face other direction
transform.rotation = lookLeft;
//Move the model
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, startLoc.position, moveSpeed);
else if (!switchDirection)
//Flip Model to face other direction
transform.rotation = lookRight;
//Move the model
transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, targetLoc.position, moveSpeed);
//Tells the compiler that there is no return...error handling
yield return null;
@ScaniX Wondering if you maybe would be able to help me out with this one too
How and where is playerSeen defined? Both scripts, one script? What is its definition?
@juicyz playerSeen is defined in the Enemy parent class.
it is defined as
//Player Seen
public static bool playerSeen = false;
As I feared: It is static. Which means: All instances share the same bool value. You should remove the static modifier.
On first glance I don't see a reason why all of them should stop. Possible causes would be: playerSeen is a static member, all of them share the same anim instance. What is the exact state? Do all the script instances enter the "else" from the if in Update()?
One remark: Your coroutine is none. Coroutines are used to do things that have a longer duration in parallel to the normal processing. You are just doing a single step and return. You also normally don't start them each frame. The thing you are doing can be just moved to the Update(). In your case I don't think you need a coroutine at all.
@ScaniX I have a question about this. So I removed the static modifier and it seems to work alright.
However, now my children don't seem to see the correct value of the boolean and it remains false. I had to switch to a trigger zone to get the code to let the enemies stop and attack. I'm pretty sure I have it inheriting correctly.
How old are your children? ;)
I don't really understand your problem. "See the correct value"? The bool should have the correct value: true if the player is seen and false immediately when he vanishes from sight (raycast). If you want access to that value, you should get a reference to that script (preferably not each Update(), but in the Start() or via inspector) and just access the public member. Public members are normally shown in inspector and serialized, so you might want to add [NonSerialized]
to it or make it private and add a getter method.
Answer by Cynikal · Aug 30, 2016 at 05:49 PM
Remove the static modifier.
Also, you could be using: Time.deltaTime to make it framerate independent.
To be honest I don't remember using the static modifier -_-
Also could you elaborate more on using Time.deltaTime to make is framerate independent? Would that be a passed parameter to the raycast declaration itself?
If you move something forward by a certain distance per frame (by moving it in Update which is called once per frame), it will move twice as fast on a system where you get 100 frame per second than it would on a system giving 50 FPS. To get around that stuff, you can use Time.deltaTime.
It's simply the amount of time passes since the last frame. So if you want something to move 10 meters per second you can do it like this (taken from the official docs):
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class ExampleClass : $$anonymous$$onoBehaviour {
void Update() {
float translation = Time.deltaTime * 10;
transform.Translate(0, 0, translation);
This way, if 0.1 second has passed since last call to Update, it'll be moved forward 1 meter. If an entire second has passed (because of some nasty lag or whatever), it'll move it the entire ten meters, making sure you'll get a speed of 10m/s independent of frame rate.
Thanks for the explanation. I saw the Unity docs thing but I didn't totally understand what they had meant. I appreciate it!
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