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What is a correct step by step logic of exporting scene with baked occlusion for loading it at runtime?
I wonder what is a correct step by step logic of exporting scene with baked occlusion (Culling data) for loading that scene at runtime (on fly from the internet for example))?
So currently my plan looks like this:
I create prefabs
Place them onto my scene (into Hierarchy) (say create 20 buffolows and some hourses and some buildings)
Create empty prefab and drag all my scene objects from hierarchy onto it
Export prefab
So generally I put all my scene objects into one large prefab and export it but it seems that all objects that were marked as static get this property turned off when loading them at runtime and so no Frustrum Culling, and no Occlusion culling happens.
So I wonder what is a correct way of exporting Sceen + Objecrts + Occlusion (and onther culing) data for future load of such scene at runtime?
I wonder about current 3.5.2 Pro
and future 4 Pro
versions of U3D.