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WhereAreMyDragons · Mar 15, 2015 at 07:04 PM ·
Using Unity to trigger MIDI sequences with Wwise
Hello all! I'm new to the whole MIDI world, so forgive me as this question is really basic. To make a long story short, I'm using general MIDI and Wwise, and I'm trying to make a basic game where pushing a button triggers MIDI sequences. This is to build into a larger project where the MIDI notes will be pseudo-random/procedural, which is why I'm not just using premade SFX/wav files for the button commands.
So what I'm looking for is something literally as simple as:
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.Y)) {
*[play MIDI sequence]*
But I'm not sure of the code behind calling out a MIDI synth in Unity using C#, and telling it to play certain notes.
TL;DR: How do I make unity trigger a MIDI sequence on button press?
Thank you, and any help is appreciated!