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Dontbepissed · Nov 08, 2019 at 07:49 PM ·
animationanimatortriggeranimator controllertriggers
How do I setup a Shooting Trigger to make an Animation play on a Platform?
My Unity Project is a puzzle game that relies on shooting batteries to then turn on moving platforms. This puzzle mechanic can be used to navigate through a series of moving platforms via multiple batteries.
I have setup the animations on my platform to trigger, I just need to actually make the trigger happen when I shoot the battery. I have code that turns the battery 'on', it just doesn't affect anything when on yet.
So my problem is: I don't know how to code an event for when I turn the battery on, and how that will then turn the moving platform animation on.
I can think out the steps, but I cannot use the language correctly to make those steps happen.
Thank you so much for any help! I hope you have a great day!