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Aiming to the crosshair
I'm currently busy on a sort of FPS game, I've got a crosshair in the middle of the screen but I need help with the positioning of the crosshair. I want to shoot to the crosshair, I'm using a raycast to shoot. I could use tips and "tutorial" like answers. I set up a little mini script showing whats the main thing my gun is doing:
var direction = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
var hit : RaycastHit;
if(Physics.Raycast(spawn.position, direction, hit, range)){
That's about it what I'm using the rest is just defining what the raycast hit.
Thanks in advance!
Should be able to find something already posted in here on this. I've seen the same question asked before at least once.
Answer by rutter · May 05, 2012 at 06:45 PM
You'll probably want to use Camera.ScreenPointToRay(), passing in some useful data like the center of the screen, mouse cursor position, or so on.
You can see an example here: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/23683/air-strike-shoot-aiming-at-cross-hairs-in-middle-o.html
Here's the script reference page: http://unity3d.com/support/documentation/ScriptReference/Camera.ScreenPointToRay