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Vuforia camera frustum out of view after image target is lost
I'm trying to avoid scaling my AR Scene as stated in https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/11/16/dealing-with-scale-in-ar/, so I have the following structure:
AR Root (scale: 10 10 10)
AR Camera (scale: 0.1 0.1 0.1)
So my AR Camera is child of an empty object with scale 10 and it's scale is set to 0.1. What I want is for the distance to be scaled by 10, as shown in the example of the previous link.
It works fine when the scene starts and tracks the target perfectly. But once it loses the target for the first time (after tracking it for the first time) everything breaks:
A lot of Frustum Out Of View bugs.
AR Camera trying to set position to {NaN, NaN, NaN}
Blank (black) ARCamera image.
Anyone has any idea what's happening and how to fix it?
I'm sorry I don't give more information, but that should give you some hints. My Unity Editor closed after those bugs more than twice and I got pissed of.