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Particle System Z-ordering
Creating a 2D sprite game. Trying to create a ParticleSystem of which some particles are behind and some are in front of a sprite. But the ParticleSystem keeps glitching back and forth. What is this? Can the particles not mix with sprites in the scene?
Note: answer is here:
Nice looking water! Is the particle system origin sharing the z of the sign? In other words, could it be simple z-fighting?
It's slightly in front of it. And don't each of the particles have their own z?
Well, that's the next question - does this particle system participate in three dimensions? I assume so, since you expect some to go behind and others to stay in front. Does this problem still occur if you move the system further out from the sprite? Say, a tenth of a unit or further?
Yes, at some point all of the particles are in front of the sprite, constantly & without the flickering.
It's almost like. Unity renders the particle system all at once, and the z depends on.. the z of the deepest particle?