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Realtime Shadow Slicing Mesh on Android
I have a golf ball in my android game, which is an icosphere (imported from blender) with a baked normal map. There are 18 tracks located around the (0, 0) coordinate, rotated in different directions
The game uses Distance Shadowmask to create realtime shadows for near objects. In the editor and Windows builds, this works perfectly.
On Android, the shadow has a lower resolution, which is fine, but it seems to slice through the ball. Is is visible in the following screenshot. If the ball moves, it looks like it passes through several planes casting a shadow.
This is heavily depending on the current track the ball is on. In 3 of the 18 tracks, there are very noticable errors. Some other locations show very small errors. However, those tracks are on seemingly random position. While the heavy errors appear on tracks located mainly in this (-x, -z) area, the small errors appear on arbitrary other positions.
I already tried:
changing shadowmap resolution
changing the directional light's near plane
changing the directional light's bias and normal bias
changing the directional light's position and rotation
rebaking the ball's normal map
using another ball mesh
removing the normal map from the material
using a different device