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Will frame rate affect Mecanim speeds?
I'm using Mecanim root motion for my player's movement, just like in the tutorial video. However, I am concerned that my character's speed will vary depending on the frame rate. Will the animations (and therefore the speed of the character) always be played at the same speed? Do I have to go back To Controller.Move and Time.deltaTime?
Also, what does Animator.updateMode do? If I set that to Animate physics will it help?
Thanks for the help!
Answer by Sisso · Jun 13, 2014 at 06:44 PM
No, its time dependent. You are "safe" to use.
updateMode allow you to configure when the animation and motion will be apply.
Normal: Update method, once a frame with deltaTime relative to frame rate.
AnimatePhysics: On FixedUpdate, multiple times a frame with fixedDeltaTime.
UnscaledTime: On Update using Time.realtimeSinceStartup (ignoring Time.timeScale)
Choose between Normal or AnimatePhysics is the same as choose between apply movement in Update or FixedUpdate (you can search for it)