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Unity android crash after Enter Scene on Galaxy Tab 10.1
So the game goes though the unity splash screen ( I have pro but its still there since I have not taken it out yet ) goes though in game splashes that use textures on planes as well as a transparent loading spinning circle. When the game gets to the main game scene the intro music plays but the view is still black ( dev mode text is present). After about 3 seconds the game crashes to the main android menu. Looking at catlog it says there was a fault at : libGLESv2_2tegra.so libGLESv2_2tegra.so(glDrawElements) libunity.so(_ZN8GLES2VB012DrawInternalEiiRK14ChannelAssignsPvm16GfxPrimitiveTypemmmPSt3mapImmSt4lessImESaISt4pairIKmmEEE) libunity.so(_ZN8GLES2VB017DrawCustomIndexedERK14ChannelAssignPvm16GfxPrimitiveTypemmm) libunity.so(_ZN9GfxDevice17EndStaticBatchingER3VB0RK19Matrix4x4f13TransformTypei) libunity.so(_ZN12MeshRenderer14RenderMultipleEPK17BatchInstanceDataRK14ChannelAssigns) libunity.so(_ZN13BatchRenderer5FlushEv) libunity.so(_ZN23ForwardShaderRenderLoop16PerformRenderingEp5LightP13RenderTextureP14ShadowCullDatabbb)
If I build the game with DXT texture compression then it works when I use ETC Then it does not.
Answer by meat5000 · Oct 23, 2013 at 12:32 AM
Read the support page
Bottom section under Android. It explains texture compatibility on different GPUs
Have you tried different OpenGL ES versions? A lot of extensions are not supported on mobile. I know there's a page on it but I'm having trouble finding it (such is Unity documentation!!!)
But if I press the compress override to ETC does that not make all the textures compatible with all GPUs?
It does not support alpha
Anyway, perhaps try and see if you can find the GLES extensions page. I'm not sure unsupported textures would produce a crash. Ins$$anonymous$$d it should default to another type.
Have you tried using no compression? Check the 2014 hardware curves dude :) it's not such a problem.
Does it not switch to RGBA16 when with alpha'ed textures?
I wish my boss whats it to run on almost all devices...
As I say, I use some 2048 textures, true colour, no compression. Performance seems to be just fine right back to Android 2.2 Froyo.
Play store gives a 2GB Extension file limit so unless you are pushing that I wouldn't say there's a problem.
Of course many would say this isn't a very professional statement. But remember that compression is simply a trade-off between Size and Performance. I choose performance.
I tried no compress RGBA32 textures, 32bit buffer on, GLES 2.0. the game goes through the splash/into scenes. Then Crashes and a pop up saying Android UI has stopped responding. Could it be a ram issue?
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