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Script using a Pause library causes audio to intermittently cutout.
The audio from my MainCamera object seems to be played through but its a bit intermittent and jerky sound with this script enabled:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MyiPhoneTouchPause : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject pauseMenuUI;
public EleckTek.PauseController[] pauseControllers ;
public Spin spinner ;
public GameObject mySound;
public GUIStyle playButtonStyle;
public Texture playButtonTexture;
public Texture pauseButtonTexture;
public Texture currentSmallButtonTexture;
bool myActivated ;
string pplay = "PLAY";
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
myActivated = true;
foreach( EleckTek.PauseController pause in pauseControllers )
pause.activatePause = myActivated;
void OnGUI()
double halfOfImage = playButtonTexture.width*0.5;
float halfOfImagef = (float)halfOfImage;
if(myActivated == true){
currentSmallButtonTexture = playButtonTexture;
if( GUI.Button( new Rect( (0.5f * Screen.width)-halfOfImagef, 0.1f * Screen.height, playButtonTexture.width, playButtonTexture.height), playButtonTexture, playButtonStyle))
Debug.Log("GUI Button + myactivated true");
myActivated = !myActivated ;
foreach( EleckTek.PauseController pause in pauseControllers )
pause.activatePause = myActivated ;
} else {
Debug.Log("myactivated false");
currentSmallButtonTexture = pauseButtonTexture;
if( GUI.Button( new Rect( 0.0f * Screen.width, 0.95f * Screen.height, .2f * Screen.width, .05f * Screen.height), new GUIContent( currentSmallButtonTexture,"" ) ) )
myActivated = !myActivated ;
foreach( EleckTek.PauseController pause in pauseControllers )
pause.activatePause = myActivated ;
if(myActivated == true){
pplay = "PLAY";
if(myActivated == false){
pplay = "MENU";
Anyone know tests or settings I can change on the audio to see what might be causing intermittent jerky sounds on the audio track?