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Changine scale with moving center
Hello, I try to do something like, a line( as sprite ) that is moving right. I need to change scale, but when I do this, it's adding a little bit at the left and right, so object doesn't move. I want to do this like the left side is always in the same position and the rest is moving right.
Moving this line to the right is easy, I just add X+Speed and then Scale.x+Speed*2 and it works, but I can't do this when the line is moving right and down.
Generally, I try to do something like when you are using 'sprite dealing' tool, and click on one side of sprite and resize, the opposite side doesn't move and the rest is changing and it looks like the line is moving right.
Beforee I can think of a solution here, what exactly do you mean with "the line is moving right and down"? Is the line drawn from the top left to the bottom right, too? Is it a horizontal line? Are you scaling it on the Y axis as well?