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Does the transform.parent hierarchy have any relationship to the bone hierarchy?
Does the transform.parent hierarchy have any relationship to the bone hierarchy?
Answer by whydoidoit · Jun 18, 2012 at 11:55 AM
Well it is the bone hierarchy. The relationship between the bones and the mesh vertices appears to be a separate thing to do with the ordering of the SkinnedMeshRenderer bones collection.
If you move a parent transform then all the subsequent child transforms are moved. So rotating the upper arm rotates the elbow and all bones below it.
Mixamo rigs are well labelled and clear to understand, worth looking at one of their characters. Pretty sure that there's a free zombie on the Asset Store.
(or am I still missing the point about what you are after :)
So in fact $$anonymous$$ike - your answer is "no" ...is that about right?
Just as you say, it appears to be quite a separate thing.
You may have noticed my analogy on the other question, "(To make an analogy .. a bit like when you make a hinge, the object hinged to the hingeholder object, is, often, also a child (ie, transform.parent hierarchy) of that hinge -- and that may or may not work for or against you in specific situations, but, there is absolutely no need for the two things to be true together.)"
All I'm after is free liquor !! :)
Great tip on the mixamo rigs, did not know they were known for their labelling, thanks. $$anonymous$$an, those guys have a cash-cow huh - and God Bless 'em)
I spend a fortune with $$anonymous$$ixamo. The transform.parent hierarchy is for the skeleton not for the mesh. The mesh and the skeleton are connected based on the ordering of points from what @Bunny83 points out.
yeah, they have a rare cash-cow in today's economic world, God Bless
it's a great example of how you have to be just a little ahead of the technology curve to be, err, riding the cash derivative.
(indeed, we're all idiots for discussing anything on here - don't tell new users anything any more! :O )
for future readers, He is referring to the inter$$anonymous$$able discussion at http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/268717/getset-root-bone-using-unityscriptc.html !!!