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Tree billboarding on custom terrain... or just set up LOD(PRO)?
With a custom terrain, there is a loss of billboarding ability that comes with unity's terrain system.
Is it worth making a billboarding system if LOD provides a low poly model of trees?
The billboarding system seems to look gross and bend into place very noticeably, and so I thought, is it worth bothering performance-wise?
I think the best advice is to try it. Spawn a few hundred/thousand trees using low poly models and then again with simple billboards and see the difference in fps/quality. I'm interested in the result tbh. I would assume a billboard will need another texture and thus increase draw calls, but the mesh will be simpler so... I wonder which way it will go ^^;;
Another option might be to just cull trees when they get so far away that you consider a billboard "acceptable".
I think I will go this route. This was a factor in deciding on making custom terrain. I will have much more control over the terrain in certain ways now. EDIT: Actually now that I think about it, I could put LOD component on tree prefabs and use unitys terrain system still too.