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Animation not found but it animates anyway...
We've got a work to finish for school, deadline? friday and we've got this major problem... I accidentaly deleted all our scripts but ofcourse I could recover it from a backup, no sweat. But now all the scripts that loop animations are all giving me this error: "The animation state could not be player because it couldn't be found!" but if I launch the game anyway they all loop the animation like they should due too the script... How can I fix this error? because as long as it exists I can't build correctly... Here's a screenshot ()
As you can see on the screenshot at the left screen left side: the actual errors, in between: the actual animations with their name, on the right: the script + animation on the creature.
On the right screen: The script...
I repeat one last time... they actually execute the script... so the animation loops like it should but the error comes anyway.
Thanks beforehand,
Have you tried re-importing all the models that have these animations? That may help
I imported the whole project again (like the thing it says to do when your project goes corrupt) and it had no effect. Afterwards I tried to change my scripts from: "BunnyHop.anim" I made: "BunnyHop" and that kinda fixed it for that animation, but all the others still give the error even if I fix them on the same way