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Inventory moving items bug.
Hello, I have have recently created an inventory system and I have came across a bug while trying to add a way of moving items to other slots inside the inventory. The problem is that if I pick up an object, and then move it to another slot, and then pick up another object and move it, duplicates are created of the item being moved. However if I pick up all of the object and then once they are all in the inventory start to move them, there are no issues at all. I have been playing around with some solutions but I can't get anything to work. I made a video with the error to make it more clear with what I'm saying and I will also show the inventory code. Thanks for any help!
Link to the video showing the problem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C11JloVYxtA&feature=youtu.be
Inventory script:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour {
public Item[] items;
public Item[] itemsToUse;
public Item emptyItem;
public Item currentlySelected;
private string _CURRENT_METHOD = "";
private bool _CAN_MOVE_ITEM;
private bool _DRAW_TEXTURE;
private bool canPlaceItem;
private bool _INVENTORY_OPEN;
private const int _INVENTORY_WINDOW_ID = 0;
private Rect _INVENTORY_WINDOW_RECT = new Rect(10,Screen.height-420,265,370);
private void FixedUpdate(){
//Clamp the window to the screen
//Check to see if any slots have an empty name, if so, the slot must be empty. Likewise if the slot's name is not empty, the slot can't be empty
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i ++) {
if(items[i].itemName == ""){
items[i].empty = true;
}else if(items[i].itemName != ""){
items[i].empty = false;
void OnGUI(){
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(10,Screen.height-40,120,30),_INVENTORY_OPEN ? "Close Inventory" : "Open Inventory")){
Event mousePos = Event.current;
GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(mousePos.mousePosition.x, mousePos.mousePosition.y, 50, 50), currentlySelected.itemIcon, ScaleMode.ScaleToFit);
_CURRENT_METHOD = "PlaceItem";
void InventoryWindow(int windowId){
//Begin the group of inventory buttons
GUI.BeginGroup (new Rect (10, 25, _INVENTORY_WINDOW_RECT.width - 20, _INVENTORY_WINDOW_RECT.height - 40));
//Buttons for each item in the inventory
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (0, 0, 50, 50), items[0].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[0];
items[0] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[0] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (60, 0, 50, 50), items[1].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[1];
items[1] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[1] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (120, 0, 50, 50), items[2].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[2];
items[2] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[2] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (180, 0, 50, 50), items[3].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[3];
items[3] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[3] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (0, 60, 50, 50), items[4].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[4];
items[4] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[4] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (60, 60, 50, 50), items[5].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[5];
items[5] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[5] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (120, 60, 50, 50), items[6].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[6];
items[6] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[6] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (180, 60, 50, 50), items[7].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[7];
items[7] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[7] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (0, 120, 50, 50), items[8].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[8];
items[8] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[8] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (60, 120, 50, 50), items[9].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[9];
items[9] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[9] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (120, 120, 50, 50), items[10].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[10];
items[10] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[10] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (180, 120, 50, 50), items[11].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[11];
items[11] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[11] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (0, 180, 50, 50), items[12].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[12];
items[12] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[12] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (60, 180, 50, 50), items[13].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[13];
items[13] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[13] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (120, 180, 50, 50), items[14].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[14];
items[14] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[14] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (180, 180, 50, 50), items[15].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[15];
items[15] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[15] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (0, 240, 50, 50), items[16].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[16];
items[16] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[16] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (60, 240, 50, 50), items[17].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[17];
items[17] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[17] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (120, 240, 50, 50), items[18].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[18];
items[18] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[18] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (180, 240, 50, 50), items [19].itemIcon)) {
if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "MoveItem"){
currentlySelected = items[19];
items[19] = emptyItem;
else if(_CURRENT_METHOD == "PlaceItem"){
items[19] = currentlySelected;
currentlySelected = emptyItem;
_DRAW_TEXTURE = false;
//Method Buttons
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (0, 300, 70, 25), "Move")) {
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (80, 300, 70, 25), "Use")) {
if (GUI.Button (new Rect (160, 300, 70, 25), "Delete")) {
_CURRENT_METHOD = "DeleteItem";
//Labels for amounts
GUI.Label (new Rect (33, 30, 30, 30), items [0].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (93, 30, 30, 30), items [1].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (153, 30, 30, 30), items [2].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (213, 30, 30, 30), items [3].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (33, 90, 30, 30), items [4].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (93, 90, 30, 30), items [5].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (153, 90, 30, 30), items [6].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (213, 90, 30, 30), items [7].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (33, 150, 30, 30), items [8].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (93, 150, 30, 30), items [9].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (153, 150, 30, 30), items [10].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (213, 150, 30, 30), items [11].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (33, 210, 30, 30), items [12].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (93, 210, 30, 30), items [13].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (153, 210, 30, 30), items [14].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (213, 210, 30, 30), items [15].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (33, 270, 30, 30), items [16].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (93, 270, 30, 30), items [17].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (153, 270, 30, 30), items [18].amount.ToString());
GUI.Label (new Rect (213, 270, 30, 30), items [19].amount.ToString());
GUI.EndGroup ();
GUI.DragWindow (new Rect (0, 0, 10000, 60));
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider item){
if (item.gameObject.tag == "BasicSword") {
LookForEmptySlot (itemsToUse [0]);
} else if (item.gameObject.tag == "AirTanks") {
LookForEmptySlot (itemsToUse [1]);
} else if (item.gameObject.tag == "CastleHelmet") {
int LookForEmptySlot(Item itemToAdd){
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i ++) {
if (items [i].itemName == itemToAdd.itemName) {
items [i].amount ++;
return i;
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i ++){
if(items[i].empty == true){
items[i].itemName = itemToAdd.itemName;
items[i].itemDescription = itemToAdd.itemDescription;
items[i].amount = itemToAdd.amount;
items[i].physicalItem = itemToAdd.physicalItem;
items[i].itemIcon = itemToAdd.itemIcon;
items[i].rarity = itemToAdd.rarity;
items[i].itemType = itemToAdd.itemType;
return i;
//There isn't an index of 21 so it won't be added
return 21;
Ok, first of all, you need to use more loops. You have 20 labels and buttons that use almost exactly the same code. Don't write it 20 times. It also makes it a lot more readable & easier to debug.
Yeah but I thought a loop would only be good for Lists. If I use an array I can move the items around and keep track what's in each slot easier can't I?
There is no reason not to loop through an array...where did you get the idea loops are only good for lists?
The code is awful, this is gc torture script.
Here's an approximate example of how it should be done. This will draw inventory in any size you specify using old ongui. No new object creation, everything is clean and beautiful.
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : $$anonymous$$onoBehaviour {
private byte WIDTH = 3;
private byte HEIGHT = 5;
private byte render_h = 0;
private byte render_w = 0;
private Rect slot = new Rect(0,0,32,32);
private void OnGUI(){
render_h = 0;
slot.y = 0;
for(; render_h < HEIGHT; render_h++){
render_w = 0;
for(; render_w < WIDTH; render_w++){
GUI.Box(slot, string.Empty);
slot.x += slot.width;
slot.x = 0;
slot.y += slot.height;
$$anonymous$$ore about this code and my full answer you can check out in this post in forum where i hang out.