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Assets/Standard Assets (Mobile)/Example/ExampleScript.js/(13,104): BCE0044: expecting :, found ';'.
I am learning javascript currently and I simply don't understand this error. I have learned a great deal of javascript and Unity editing, but I have much to learn. Can you help me?
Assets/Standard Assets (Mobile)/zScripts/SummonEscape.js(13,104): BCE0044: expecting :, found ';'.
function Update()
var grenade;
Instantiate(grenade, GameObject.Find("SummonEscape_Spawn").transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
yield WaitForSeconds(3);
I don't understand the error "Assets/Standard Assets (Mobile)/Example/ExampleScript.js/(13,104): BCE0044: expecting :, found ';'."
What do I need to do in order to fix it? I heard that I need to place || whenever I use an "If" function however there is only one If within my script and there is only one part to it. Do I need to place || even when I one have one topic within the "if" parenthesis?
Thanks for the help.
take the grenade out of the () on spawnBullet(); Sorry about that.
It isn't your fault. I just need to understand Javascript a little more. Thanks for the help.