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(2 hidden skinned meshes) or (1 extra draw call) for character props?
I have a character of 540 triangles and 3 different weapons for him, of 80 triangles each. They all share the same material, but there would be only one visible weapon at a time.
So would it be best to include in the .FBX file 3 skinned meshes with (character + weapon1), (character + weapon2) and (character + weapon3), or have one skinned mesh of the character and 3 weapon meshes?
If I'd be using 3 skinned meshes, I'm planning to make 2 of the skinned meshes game objects inactive. If I have separate weapon meshes, they won't batch (because I can't get the character to less than 300 vertices).
If the 2 unneeded skinned meshes (gameobjects) stay inactive, would they take any cpu power?
So what do you think would be best in terms of performance, and why?
Answer by Lucas Meijer 1 · Dec 07, 2009 at 07:44 AM
Inactive gameobjects are really really cheap, very close to free. So in your case, it makes a lot of sense to have them as seperate gameobjects, since you'll only want to display only one at a time anyway.
Answer by Stelimar · Dec 06, 2009 at 09:44 PM
Personally, I would probably try to make the character mesh separate from the three weapon meshes, and simply display the weapon that is currently in use.
As for performance, I don't think it will make a difference either way, as long as the meshes which aren't being displayed are inactive. I'd say go with whichever method you find easiest to implement.